
Welcome to our Daily Blog guys!!

Nineteen Junior High School Jakarta. Hi! We are students from 19 JHS welcome to our daily blog. This blog is about our school and our routinity at school. Enjoy

Our Extracurricular

Beside studying in class, our school has so much extracurricular to expand our skill and talent! Many of this wins competition and takes 19 JHS name to the world

School Facility

Our school has many international standard facility and a big mosque in the back of the school.Also, our school has 1 big bus and 1 minibus

School Programs

We go on a field trip and outbond once in a semester, and our school also create a Student Exchange program to give us new experiences

Our Daily Routine!

What we do everyday in our school our lessons, and our routines

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Daily Routines!

This is about the daily routine in our school. We study 5 days a week from 6:30 in the morning till 2:15 in the afternoon. But, in friday, we go home earlier because we do Jumat Prayer in our school. Because we, the creator of the blog studies in class 8G we give  pictures about our class and activites in our class. Sometimes, we study in Saturday too when there is an additional lesson or extracurricular. So below is our daily routines!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Student Exchange and Field Trips

To improve our school’s relationship with other schools, we do student exchange with other schools. The other schools can be from Jakarta, other provinces in Indonesia, or even from other countries around the world! The student exchange can be students from other schools come to 19 JHS Jakarta or students from 19 JHS Jakarta come to other schools. So here are some pictures from the student exchanges!

19 JHS Student Exchange to Taminmin College Australia

19 JHS Student Exchange to Anglo Chinese School Singapore

Student Exchange from  Labschool JHS Kebayoran

Field Trips
Our school also do field trips to many place, like Farm Institute in Bogor, Technology Institute in Bandung, West Java, and much more. We also visit cultural places like Angklung (Traditional music instrument) Show and Museums such as Geology museum in Bandung. Our school has outbond programs too. Usually, we stay in highlands for 2 night and do outdoor activities. The first outbond program is held on Lido Police School in Sukabumi, and the second outbond is in Puncak

The Extracurriculars

There are a lot of extracurriculars in 19 Junior High School Jakarta! The extracurriculars are held after school. Sometimes, this is held on saturday or sunday. We can grow our skills an talents here! I will mention them here but not all:




Saman Dance



Wall Magazine
Modern Dance
And many more!

Short Explanation of Our School

Our Principal :D
Our school is 19 Junior High School Jakarta or in Indonesia it’s called SMPN 19 Jakarta. The address is Jl. Bumi Blok E Number 21,  Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta. Our school principal is Mr. Morgan Napitupulu.  In our school we use foreign language like English for studying Math, Biology, and Physics. Our school is also cooperating with Colombia. There are 9 classes for the 7th grade, 10 classes for the 8th grade, and 10 classes too for the 9th grade. We go to school from Monday to Friday. There is no school on Saturday and Sunday. And the last thing, thanks for visiting our blog! :D

If you want to contact 19 Junior High School here is the telephone number, fax, and email.
Telephone : 021-72502
Fax             : 021-72786421
Email         :

Our School Facility

I want to mention 19 Junior High School's facilities here:

    Our School's Building
    The Court
    The Mosque
  • Library
  • Cooking Lesson Room
  • Biology Laboratory
  • Physics Laboratory
  • ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) Laboratory
  • Language Laboratory
  • Adi Widya Graha Hall
  • Counseling Guidance Room
  • UKS Room (Medical Room)
  • Teacher Centre
  • School Cooperative (Koperasi)
  • Canteen
  • Basketball Court or Futsal Court
  • OSIS Room
  • Principal Room
  • School Committee Room
  • Administration Room
  • Mosque
  • Toilets


Horaay today is Friday! On Friday there are only 3 lessons and we wear the Moslem uniform! Especially for Friday, before we study our homeroom teacher go to our class. Our homeroom teacher is Mrs. Ika. She is also our social science teacher. She gives us information and check our classroom but you can also talk to her or asking her. Sometimes she also tells stories to us. After that, the bell rings.

The first lesson on Friday is Biology. We study biology as usual on Friday but sometimes on Friday we go to the Biology Lab.
Mr. Maher (left)
Take a picture with Mr. Maher (left) and Mr. Agus (right)

The second lesson is PKN (Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan) or in English it’s called Citizenship Education. The teacher is Mrs. Wiji. In this lesson, we learn about law, politics, and sociology. Mostly we learn about Pancasila and the UUD 1945. Pancasila is the official philosophical foundation of Indonesia and UUD 1945 is the basis for the government of Indonesia. And then, the bell rings. That means break time!

Mrs. Wiji teaching

The last lesson is Math. We study math like usual.
Then, the bell rings at 11:30. The studying is over. But before we go home, the male Moslem students must go to the school’s mosque to pray (Salah). And for the Christian students, they study Religion with their religion teacher. After that, you can go home!

Students activity on Friday
Students activity on Friday 2

Students activity on Friday 3

Students activity on Friday 4
Nineteen 2013 in friday muslim uniform!

By: 19 JHS Students
Nabil Tegar: 13 years old
Favian Hazman: 13 years old

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