Nabil Tegar Yusuf
Hello my name is Nabil Tegar, you can call me Nabil. I was born in Jambi, November 10th 1998. Now I’m 13 years old. I’m a student of 19 Junior High School Jakarta and I’m now at the 8th grade. My classroom is 8G. My hobby is playing computer, playing guitar, parkour, and many more.
Favian Kharisma Hazman
Hi, my name is Favian Kharisma Hazman, you can call me Vian. I was born in Jakarta, May 31th 1998 . Now I’m 13 years old. I´m a student of 19 Junior High School Jakarta and I´m now at the 8th Grade. I´m at class 8G same like Nabil. My hobby is playing computer, playing with friends, and much more. I´m the designer of this blog. Thanks for coming to this blog.
We are not so good at English. If there are any mistakes in our writing, we are very sorry. Thanks.
· @Ntegar
· @vianhazman19